




Nootrópico que mejora la función cognitiva. Te ayuda a rendir más en el estudio y el trabajo.

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Nootropic Series

Precio recomendado: 43,95 €

Marca: Hydrapharm


Why. Taking Emoxypine allows you to improve your psychological health without any side effects. It has antioxidant functions, inhibits free radicals, provides neuroprotective effects, anti-stress and anti-anxiety properties, anti- inflammatory effects and increases dopamine levels naturally in the brain. These effects culminate in greater cognition and improved mood – resulting in a surge in focus, attention and concentration. It works differently to other nootropics due to focusing on providing protective effects, rather than influencing or altering neurotransmitters.

When. Emoxypine can be taken year-round. It is particularly useful when wanting to increase cognition and mood before a workout or if you are completing a task that requires the utmost attention and focus - such as revision.

Who. Emoxypine can be taken by anyone, male or female, who are looking for a natural product that can give them a mental edge.

- Stand-alone nootropic for enhanced cognitive function.

- Study/Work Aid.

- Natural nootropic for a mental edge.

- Helps to reduce stress, anxiety and inflammation.

- Improves concentration, mood and overall cognitive function.

- Protects neurons against free radicals.

- Works by a different mechanism to other nootropics.

Emoxypine is an antioxidant that is similar in chemical structure to Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6). Its mechanism of action involves its ability to function as an antioxidant and its membrane protective effects.

Users of this supplement can expect to experience anti-stress, neuroprotective effects, anti-inflammation and nootropic properties when using this ingredient. This is due to its ability to inhibit free radical oxidation, increase the activity of antioxidant enzymes, play a key role in the modulation of the receptor complexes of the brain membranes and the activity of membrane-bound enzymes, stabilise bio-membranes and increase the dopamine content in the brain.

Standalone Nootropic

The primary benefit of taking emoxypine are its nootropic effects. It acts as a psychological aid, helping to promote greater levels of concentration and cognition. It works differently to other nootropics as it works by protecting neurons and increasing blood flow to the brain, whereas other nootropics exert their influence or alter the behaviour of neurotransmitters in the brain. The increase of dopamine levels in the brain by taking emoxypine also help to improve cognitive ability.

Neuroprotective Effects

Emoxypine provides a protective effect for the brains neurons from free radicals. Free radicals can have a harmful effect on the brains neurons and emoxypine diminishes this as it can inhibit free radical oxidation. This also plays a role in its ability to increase focus and enhance learning and memory.

Anti-Stress and Anti-Anxiety Effects

Studies have shown emoxypine to shield against stress and anxiety. It was demonstrated that empoxypine helped to reduce the feelings of anxiety and assist participants to normalise and improve their behaviour following stressful events. Additionally, there were also no side effects reported from taking emoxypine- something that has become a norm when taking conventional drugs to improve psychological conditions.

Antioxidant Benefits

Emoxypine’s antioxidant properties allow it to provide further support and protective capabilities for membranes. It enhances the activity of various antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase, while simultaneously inhibiting free radical activity.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects

The use of emoxypine for its anti-inflammatory properties provides a reduction of pain and promotes rapid recovery of the peripheral nerves. One study, researching its anti-inflammatory potential, found it to decrease back pain in lumbosacral radiculopathy.

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Información nutricional:

Hydrapharm Emoxypine: 60 cápsulas

Tamaño del servicio: 1 cápsulas

Servicios por envase: 60

Cantidad por porción% DV *

- Emoxipina 125 mg *

*Valor diario no establecido



Otros ingredientes: celulosa microcristalina, gelatina (cápsula), harina de arroz, estearato de magnesio.

Modo de empleo:

Como suplemento dietético para adultos sanos, tomar 1 cápsula junto con alguna comida, dos veces al día.


No debe ser utilizado por personas menores de 18 años. Este producto está diseñado para ser utilizado por adultos sanos normales y no debe ser utilizado por cualquier persona con condiciones médicas conocidas. No utilizar en caso de embarazo o lactancia. Consulte con su médico antes de comenzar cualquier dieta o programa de ejercicios. No exceda la dosis recomendada. Consulte con su médico antes de comenzar cualquier dieta o plan de ejercicios. No exceda la dosis recomendada. El uso incorrecto de este producto no mejorará los resultados y no es aconsejable. Utilice únicamente según las indicaciones. No utilizar si el envase ha sido manipulado. Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños, guardar en un lugar fresco, seco y evitar el calor excesivo. 


Envase de 60 cápsulas.


Los productos aquí mostrados son suplementos nutricionales según lo establece la Directiva Europea 2002/46/CE sobre complementos alimenticios y todos ellos pueden ser vendidos legalmente en todos los países de la Comunidad Europea, por los artículos 28, 29 y 30 del tratado de la Comunidad Europea y por los artículos 1 a 4 de la Decisión del Parlamento Europeo número 3052/95/CE.

Los suplementos alimenticios no tratan de sustituir una dieta equilibrada y variada, únicamente se presentan con el fin de complementar la ingesta de nutrientes de una dieta normal.

Tampoco tratan, previenen, diagnostican o curan ninguna enfermedad, hechos atribuibles a los medicamentos, según define la Directiva Europea 2004/27/CE, de 31 de marzo, del Consejo y del Parlamento Europeo sobre medicamentos.

Se reserva el derecho de enviar productos a países donde el país de destino no permita.

Los productos no deben utilizarse como sustituto de una dieta o medicación y deben estar fuera del alcance de los niños.

El consumo de los productos debe ser controlado por un profesional, ante cualquier duda, siempre consulte a su médico.

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