




Te proporciona un excelente soporte corporal durante un ciclo o en el post ciclo.

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43,95 €


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Body support for on-cycle and post-cycle

Getting into the shape you want isn't just about packing on muscle it's about keeping your body healthy while doing it. There's no use in being big and looking good on the outside if you feel like death on the inside. These negative side effects associated with designer steroid use can be combated by using Gear Support from Blackstone Labs. A number of quality ingredients will protect and cleanse your liver, ensure healthy blood circulation and help maintain overall health.

Gear Support should be used when running a prohormone or designer steroid to protect your liver and can be used post-cycle to help cleanse your liver and regain optimal health.

Any athlete that uses prohormones or designer steroids should use Gear Support but in addition it can be used as a general health supplement for those seeking to optimise organ function health.

Body support for on-cycle and post-cycle


- Protects and cleanses the liver

- Helps improve blood circulation

- Prevents the conversion of testosterone into DHT

- Strengthens the heart's pumping ability

- Supports a healthy immune system

- Supports lung and bronchial health

Gear Support uses a potent blend of ingredients to protect your body against negative side effects caused by prohormones and anabolic steroids. The possible negative effects are things like high blood pressure, conversion of testosterone to DHT, damaged liver and negative effects on blood lipids.

Blackstone Labs have made sure that each ingredient is effective at protecting your body from these sides and include a unique ingredient Red Clover Extract. Red Clover Extract not only helps to improve liver health, but offers a range of other health benefits including improved blood circulation and even clearing the lungs of mucous. There is also a healthy dose of Coenzyme Q10 to help enhance the immune system and boost energy.

Hardcore bodybuilders will know the positive effects that prohormones and designer steroids can have on the body make them untouchable for building comic book levels of muscle and strength but adding so much muscle and strength this way is very demanding on the body which is why Gear Support should be considered an essential tool in your arsenal to build a powerful, massive physique.

Disfruta de este excelente soporte corporal para tomar durante un ciclo o en el post ciclo en tu tienda online de confianza: ""

Información nutricional:

Modo de empleo: 

Take 1 capsule 1 to 2 times daily with food.


Envase de 90 cápsulas. 


Los productos aquí mostrados son suplementos nutricionales según lo establece la Directiva Europea 2002/46/CE sobre complementos alimenticios y todos ellos pueden ser vendidos legalmente en todos los países de la Comunidad Europea, por los artículos 28, 29 y 30 del tratado de la Comunidad Europea y por los artículos 1 a 4 de la Decisión del Parlamento Europeo número 3052/95/CE. Los suplementos alimenticios no tratan de sustituir una dieta equilibrada y variada, únicamente se presentan con el fin de complementar la ingesta de nutrientes de una dieta normal. Tampoco tratan, previenen, diagnostican o curan ninguna enfermedad, hechos atribuibles a los medicamentos, según define la Directiva Europea 2004/27/CE, de 31 de marzo, del Consejo y del Parlamento Europeo sobre medicamentos. Se reserva el derecho de enviar productos a países donde el país de destino no permita. Los productos no deben utilizarse como sustituto de una dieta o medicación y deben estar fuera del alcance de los niños. El consumo de los productos debe ser controlado por un profesional, ante cualquier duda, siempre consulte a su médico.

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